Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Anyone that has ever been to a beach might be able to relate to this, these are pictures from the plane, and I loved how the clouds met the sky and it seems like they just fade into each other. It reminded me of the trip my family and I took to Myrtle Beach a few years ago, my cousin and I were outside on the balcony at the condo on the beach we were staying at, and it was so quiet. As I looked out to the ocean, all I could think about was how it looked like the sky and the water just swallow each other when the horizon line meets. I kept thinking how beautiful it was, but how scary and overwhelming it was at the same time, it looked like an abyss of nothing. This was very similar, it seems like the clouds go forever. Just was pretty to me, I also like how the relfection of my camera is showing slightly in the pics, seems like its floating, I just think it looks amazing, and intense . (If you haven't noticed I'm attracted to clouds =)

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