Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Video of the spinning penny, a commentary on Autism..
Thank You ^_^
Illustration for my story about the bus system.
Just Thinking....
Architecture of Colorado Springs
The architecture in Colorado Springs is something to marvel at. I was downtown this weekend and noticed all the old Victorian houses and the Pioneers museum. I love the architecture of the “old day” compared to the cold restrictive architecture of today. I like going downtown because out of all the places in Colorado Springs it is the most inviting. Every time I’m down there I dream of some day living in a place like that. I believe that architecture plays a key role in how we live our lives.
Colorado Springs, a Trash Heap!
I went on a walk today and was appalled by the clutter along the side of the street. As I walked I began to wonder why people litter. The thing I saw most was cigarettes and bottles of all different varieties. I saw so much junk that it made me sick. Why doesn’t our city care to clean its streets? I want to do a project about the filth on the streets to bring awareness to the destructiveness of the citizens in this, and other cities around Colorado. In this project I would go on a walk and collect the junk along the streets and label with the cities name. I know when I come to Colorado Springs I don’t want to see it as a trash heap!!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Connections between Chapter Three and the McAllister House
Friedberg also asserts that glass was used as an indicator of wealth and status. This notion of material being a measure of an individual's wealth also parallel's my research of the McAllister House. First of all, Fountain Colony did not have the timber available to support the construction of homes for the invading Colorado immigrants. So Major McAllister, like all his neighbors, imported the materials for his home's construction. However, since he was a man of means, Major McAllister spared no expense and brought only the best bricks, steel, wood, marble and GLASS by train from Philadelphia for his quaint Victorian cottage. Could you imagine shipping glass from so far away on the rickety trains of the nineteenth century? I couldn't. I've been on my fair share of twenty-first century railways and I don't know how panes of glass could survive contemporary voyages, let alone a voyage more than a century ago. The McAllister's also had the marble for their fireplaces and mantles quarried and shaped in Pennsylvania then transported to the Colorado prairie. Perhaps its because I'm a pessimist...but I don't think I would have had the faith to let such precious materials travel so far with no guarantee that they would survive. Anyway- both the glass and marble as well as the fortune it took to ship all the materials so far are what attest to the financial value of the McAllister house. If any of you have ever visited, you'd know that the place is so teeny that its value could not be accurately estimated by its size alone, unlike it's colossal cousin- Glenn Eyrie.
Please come see me at my favorite spot in all Colorado Springs- McAllister House Historical Museum!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Snow in May

We've all been wondering when is it going to get warm. Come on already, I mean its May. Especially this morning when it was trying so hard to snow. Just be glad you're not in Lander. Over the last two days they got twelve inches of snow. Already today most of it has melted and the weekend temps are forecasted to be in the 80s this weekend so it won't last. And we think we have weather extremes.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Out to sea

Comentary on Colorado Springs bus System
Standing in front of a bus stop the young man stares in disbelief.
As of January 1, 2010
The Metro Transit
Will run from 6:00am-6:00pm
The last bus leaves the terminal
At 5:15pm.
No weekend services.
No apology for inconvenience listed, the young man’s disbelief turns to anger as he shifts his shoulder bag and wonders how he is going to get to class. He begins to think about how screwed up life has become in Colorado Springs, hell, in the United States in general. Just as he begins to curse the entirety of Colorado Springs inefficiency a middle age women walks up carrying a briefcase, dressed in a lovely white dress.
“Why the long face?” she asks as she approaches the young man.
Startled the young man turns with surprise to face the women. When he notices who she is he is even more shocked.
“What are you doing here?!” He half asks half demands to know.
“I was laid off…” the women says in a hushed tone and repositions her briefcase to her left hand.
“Oh…” says the young man ashamed he even asked. As he looks down into the pavement he continues to contemplate how screwed up life is; here he was standing at the bus stop with the same women who had greeted him every morning for two years from the driver’s seat of the bus. Now she was laid off and he was out of a ride. They continued to stand at the bus stop as cars passed aimlessly by.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Railroad Tracks

A Few More Mountain Shots!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Antlers Park

Monday, May 3, 2010
"You can't see the forest for the trees"

"You can't see the forest for the trees"
I took this picture (on my phone camera - that is why it is a little blurry) at one of the parks I pass walking my dogs down the Santa Fe trail. We made a stop off of the trail by some trees and all of the trees framed and blocked the views of everything. I thought it was a great perspective on how we all go places but sometimes miss what is around. Either by only looking at what is in front of us (not stopping to look around). I would have missed this neat shot if we did not stray from our usual trail walk.Friday, April 30, 2010
Art in Lander

There is even an art center. The Lander Art Center is a non-profit organization whose goal is to encourage, stimulate, and support interest in and appreciation of fine art. They have an exhibition gallery. Exhibitions of local, regional and national art and craft change on a six-week basis, with 8 shows per year. In their classroom they offer classes for youth, young adult and adults in a variety of media.
There are several (over seven) local galleries as well as the yearly Heart of the West National Art Show held each year in October and the Riverfest Art Fair held in July. Plus three active art guilds in the county -- the Riverton, Lander and Wind River Valley Art Guilds. For a small town there are a lot of places to view art or ways to be involved in art.
I’ve already gotten to use the services of Eagle Bronze in completing my first bronze sculpture, Guidance, destined for the Avera McKennan Indoor Sculpturewalk program in Sioux Falls, SD. The show opens May 16th and the sculptures are on display for a year, so if you’re in Sioux Falls stop in and take a look.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Open Plains
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Next Part...and plan on posting mutimedia soon...misplaced my camera cord
as all things find an overlap
A city that finds itself through
gay lords who hide behind the steeple
the cry's and pleas of men
to the Divine
where in the early of evening
people wait in line
for some it is a long road home
others search for answers
through remains of a tribal past
with careful handling and study
in hopes preserve
within the present...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Lander Signs

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Camping Anyone?!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Every week I walk my dogs (weather permitting) while my son works out at his gym downtown. From the gym I walk down Colorado to America the Beautiful park and then to the Santa Fe Trail. Over the last couple of weeks the local news stations have been commenting on how all of the homeless have been moved to alternative shelters and the clean up has been a success. Well I have been walking around the Santa Fe trail for a couple of months now and have seen the clean up of homeless camps around the America the Beautiful Park, but about a 1/4 of a mile down from there is a homeless camp and several other lone tents strung along the trail. I really don't care to see these camps and think that the city needs focus on the city trails. I would like the city to designate an alternative camping site for the homeless that do not want to go to shelters or receive aid. I think it is an eye soar and makes our city look junky and dangerous. Granted these individuals usually do bother anyone but you never know what people will do and some even have dogs running around loose. The picture is not the greatest since I took it with my phone camera, but I am not brave enough to go any closer to these camps without someone else I know around. So from the outside these camps look crappy and I am sure the inside of the camp and tents are not much better. I guess this is just my point of view. I would never want to live in the pubic eye like that. We all make our choices.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Things To Do
As promised I said there would be a blog about things to do in Lander that are not organized events. In looking over the list, one thing is obvious; you have to love the outdoors. Recreational activities in the area focus on the natural environment and all it has to offer. In the winter it’s cold and snowy which means there is a lot of fun to be had sledding, snow mobiling, cross country skiing, ice fishing and ice skating. During the rest of the year there’s hiking/backpacking, rock climbing, road/mountain biking, fishing, camping, horseback riding, hunting, and exploring nearby historic sites.

This suits me just fine, give me a stretch of river and a fishing pole, preferably a fly rod, and I'm content. Or my bike to ride, or a trail to hike…I think you get the idea that I like being in the outdoors. For those who think a day of shopping at the mall is their idea of fun Lander is not the place for you. No malls, Walmart is 24 miles away in Riverton and the nearest large box stores are 150 miles away in Casper. Now if you like exploring mom & pop stores with interesting names you're in the right place.
Besides the recreational activities you'll find groups for just about any interest you might have. There is a city band and a theater group. There is an art guild and a book club. These are only a few of the groups that exist, there are many more. Lander has an indoor swimming pool, a gardening center and of course a library. Why, I can't think of a thing missing and I’m sure I forgot to list quite a few activities.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A Different View
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Post...(Sorry video soon)
As a single pair watch the city's isonomatic rage
As she remains idle transfixed upon that movement
It is here history is a blend and swril of opposites
The wealthy hide themselves behind iron clad gates
As the mad lay close behind with barcaded windows
The Arts are tucked away
To only reveal a conflict within the metropoliton that
lays far from the spectacular and orinate...
from basements to small exihibition....
the roads of the forests are long and winding
very few between where direction is not impared....
soon the threads will unreavel laying behind
the fibers of disconnect...there is something holding it in tact
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Lander Events
Whenever we go to Lander my son complains and says there is nothing to do. How can people stand to live here?! I guess if you're 17 and use to city life it might seem that's the case. I on the other hand think there are lots of things to do. For a small town there is always something to do in Lander no matter what your interests are. Below is a sample of some of the organized events there are to do through out the year. There are many other events too, these are only the highlights. Plus there are the many activities the area has for you to explore on your own (another blog entry). All pictures/information is courtesy of the Lander Chamber of Commerce website.
Lander Brew Festival: The Lander Brew Festival enjoyed its inaugural year in 2003. Each years' festival features great entertainment and food. Visitors can enjoy unlimited samples of over 50 brews from 15 of the Rocky Mountain regions finest breweries. The annual Lander Brew Festival is an occasion you won't want to miss in 2010! Reserve June 12, 2010 and make plans to attend!
Heart of the West Art Sale and Show: October 16, 2010 Lander will be hosting the Heart of the West Invitational Art Show and The Cowboy Gear Exhibition. The art will be on display during the day, with the awards presented in the evening, along with single malt scotch and wine tasting, hors d'oeuvres, cash bar and the Fur, Felt and Denim Ball with live music. Local artists are also active in the event with a quick draw competition as well as art exhibits along Lander's Main Street.
The International Climbers Festival www.climbersfestival.org is held the second weekend in July, bringing climbers and outdoor enthusiasts from around the world to Lander to try their skill at climbing and to enjoy world-famous speakers, slide-shows, and other entertainment.
The Annual One Shot Antelope Hunt is the premier wild game hunt of its kind in the world. For over fifty years, Lander has hosted this famous event every September. For more information and upcoming events, please visit their website: www.waterforwildlife.com
Pioneer Days Parade and Rodeo is held every July 3rd and 4th. This years celebration marks the 115th year, and the two-day rodeo is the oldest paid rodeo in the world. The 4th of July parade has over 100 entries drawing spectators from around the state. After enjoying buffalo bar-b-que at City Park see the spectacular fireworks display to complete the day. Tickets for the bar-b-que and rodeo are on sale at the Chamber of Commerce.
Lander Half Marathon is held every July 4th. 2010 marks the 31st anniversary of this race that starts on Main Street and includes the Squaw Creek/Baldwin Creek Loop. Download the official registration form in pdf format here.
Shoshone and Arapaho Indian Pow Wows are open to the public and are held from May through September, drawing competitors from all over the country. The 2010 schedule will be available soon on the Wind River Reservation page www.northernarapaho.com.

The Wyoming State Winter Fair is held in Lander every February-March and is Wyoming's only winter fair. Events include horse, cattle, sheep, and livestock shows; a business fair; major entertainers and a dance.
Wind River 4x4 Association Show & Ralley : . All 4x4 vehicles are welcomed to enter the off-road show, last year's grand prize was $500. Entry fee is $35. For more information please call 307-332-9881 or log onto their website at www.windriver4x4.com
The International Rocky Mountain Stage Stop Sled Dog Race begins in Jackson at the end of January and follows the Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail through Lander and other Wyoming communities. The "Race to Immunize" is a spectator friendly event and draws top mushers from around the world. www.wyomingstagestop.org
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Waldo Canyon
Friday, April 2, 2010
Through their windows...
When Major McAllister and his wife arrived in Colorado, it was a savage country; far removed from the opulent society they had left in Philadelphia. From readings I have sifted through as well as contemporary photographs, Fountain Colony (as Colorado Springs was known then) was desolate. Beyond the untamed beauty of the peaks, there was little of the landscape to recommend itself. All those beautiful trees that line streets and shelter historic homes were not there. Have any of you ever been east towards Falcon or Peyton? Its all just flat prairie out here in the boonies...and so was the view that met Major and Mrs. McAllister everyday from their pane-glass windows.
In the development of Fountain Colony, General Palmer and Major McAllister decided to bring trees out to this desert area from the Ohio River Valley. They hope to make the area more appealing to prospective settlers. In fact, they brought out nearly 3,000 trees!!
So...When the McAllisters looked out their windows they would see vast expanses of prairie grasses...perhaps the occasional construction of neighborhood homes. I was intrigued and decided to go about the house and compare what the McAllisters would have seen in 1873 to the view 137 years later.
There were TREES!! Mature, adult trees that surround the small cottage. An alien sight to the saplings the McAllisters much have been used to. There are other buildings, both new and old construction, also surrounding the family home. Across the street there was a cold, concrete building. CONCRETE. How odd to see concrete and streetlights from behind a lace-veiled window, in a room trapped in time. From the McAllister's bedroom I could see the bank in the lot behind the cottage. I could see the dumpster where the bank and other businesses so casually throw their trash. Where would the McAllister's place their trash? First and foremost, there wouldn't be the much to throw out. Settler's used all they could...waste was intolerable. Beyond my musings I see a homeless individual clawing his way through the dumpster. So hunger has followed the McAllisters from the nineteenth century into the twenty-first.