across a landscape.

According to Interesting United States Weather Facts and Extremes:
Wyoming is ranked #5 out of the 10 coldest states with a mean annual temperature of 41.98, F
Wyoming is ranked #3 out of the 10 driest states with an average annual precipitation of 12.97 inches
Lander, Wyoming is ranked #7 out of the 10 snowiest cities with an average annual precipitation of 102.5 inches
According to Liz Osborn on Current writing about the Snowiest Places in the United States, there are fourteen cities with the distinction of having an average annual snowfall of over 100 inches. Lander, Wyoming makes the list. Seven of the fourteen also have the honor of making her list for averaging snowfall between June and August. Once again Lander, WY is on the list with 1.2 inches. Lander also averages 183 days where the temperature is 32 F or less.
When people think of places to retire they usually choose places that are more hospitable or at least not freezing. Why retire to Lander, Wyoming? What does this small town have to offer that offsets its weather extremes?
Deb, this is very much like a paint brush captured in a flash.