The people who settled Lander were a hardy bunch since they thought the area had a “mild” climate for ranching and farming. I guess everything is relative depending on how you look at it. I was surprised to learn last semester Lander was on the top 10 list for snowiest cities. Most people you talk to in Lander would be surprised to hear that also, in fact Gary (Community Resource Coordinator) from the mayor’s office was not even aware Lander was on such a list. So either the list is wrong or it’s not as bad as it appears. I believe the latter.
With a population of roughly 6900 most of you probably consider Lander pretty small. Below is some demographic information about Lander. If you read through it all, you’ll see that Lander provides all the services a person needs with choices despite its size! What you’ll notice when you drive down main street is that the stores are owned by the towns people. You won’t find Walmart here. If you are looking for something to eat you could stop at the one fast food restaurant in town, McDonald’s, or better yet stop in at one of the local restaurants. Grocery stores, there are two. An ACE hardware. Although its not what most would consider a shopping mecca you can find everything you need, maybe not everything you want, but then there is always internet shopping. Or if you really have to go to Best Buy a drive to Casper 150 miles a way will fix the urge and while you’re there you can eat at a chain restaurant if you really must. But you don't need that fix often when you have great local places to dine like the Granite Grill or Tony's
Elevation: 5,357 feet
Population Within City Limits: In 2000 there were 6,867
Ave High & Low
Jan: 31.2 degrees, 7.8 degrees July: 86. degrees, 55.9 degrees
Ave. Snowfall: 108"
Ave. humidity: 52%
Growing Season: 79-101 Days
114 Clear Days
122 Partly Cloudy Days
129 Cloudy Days
Average Wind Speed: 6.8 mph
Single Family
New Home: $115,000-295,000 Existing Homes: $126,000
Ave. Land Costs
City: $17,600/8,800 sq. ft lot County: $1,200-3,000/acre
No state or local personal income tax
No state or local corporate income tax
No state or local inventory tax
Sales Tax: 4%
Lander Parks & Recreation:
Baseball Fields: 6
Tennis Courts: 6
Swimming Pool: 1
Golf Course (18 hole): 1
Bike Paths/Greenway: 1
Soccer Fields: 5
Skating Rinks: 1
Parks: 11
Lander Journal
Riverton Ranger
Casper Star Tribune
KOVE (1330)/KDLY (97.5)(AM/FM)
KCWC (Public)
KVOW (1450)/KTAK (93.9)(AM/FM)
KTRZ (93.1 Riverton/95.3 LAnder)(FM)
Fremont County School District #1 Facilities Enrollment for 2001-2002
Elementary: 4 schools - 858 students
Junior High: 1 school - 298 students
High School: 1 school - 707 students
Lander Christian Academy: 27
Central Wyoming Community College is 24 miles away in Riverton. CWC has a Lander Extension Office and offers local classes.
University of Wyoming, West Central Regional Office of Outreach Credit Courses
Wyoming Catholic College is a 4 year coeducational Catholic liberal arts college.
Medical Facilities:
81 beds
Lander Medical Clinic
Doctors: 30
Dentists: 8
Churches: 25
Hunt Field Aiport-Lander
Runway Length- 5,100 ft.
Type of Surface: Asphalt
Lights, fixed base, operator/air taxi, fuel & restrooms.
No Instrument landing system and operator
Riverton Municipal Airport
United Airlines-daily commuter service. 26 miles to terminal.
Bus Service
Senior Citizens/Handicapped Bus
Wind River Transportation Authority
City Services:
Emergencies 911
Lander Police
Fremont County Sheriff
City of Lander
Employment Resources
Fremont County Library
Total volumes: 63,000
Fremont County Offices
Lander Post Office
Mount Hope Cemetery
For Seniors:
Senior Citizen Center
Mountain Vista Retirement Residence
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