Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nature Breaking Through

Okay, so I began this class talking about how I felt about the mixing of man and nature. Has anyone ever watched anything on the Discovery Channel about what happens when there are no longer people? Have you ever noticed the little sprouts of grass that come through concrete? I think it is interesting how powerful nature is. It does make me kind of sad to see how much free open land man is taking up. I'm only 21, but I have lived here my entire life and I do remember when there were large sections of open land in the city... well, in the city and in what used to be the outskirts of the city...and what is now becoming the expanded parts of the city. Things like the pictures that I uploaded are everywhere, and it makes me grateful that at least nature still shows itself in the midst of all the man made objects. Granted unfortunately the grass is dead, this would be much more effective if the grass was alive and green, but it still makes my point. It is so interesting to me to see a line of nature against a line of concrete. I cant help but wonder if what the shows talk about is true, when there are no more humans, whenever that may be, what is going to happen to all the concrete and man made objects when nature attempts to reclaim its territory? Its very complex, I dont necessarily enjoy thinking about the end, but I sometimes cant help it. Just food for thought I suppose =)

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