The wonderful world and the options with photography!! Lol. So this is an inversion I did on my camera, lately the question of digital vs 35 mil has been bouncing back and forth in my head, photography is my passion and my choice form of art, and I do shoot digital pictures, but my excitement has been about 35mm for the last 8 years. I enjoy being in the darkroom, and for some reason I'm hearing a lot of debate about whether or not digital or 35mm offers more control over the images... they both do, but in very different ways. I enjoy being able to alter my photos on a computer from digital images, but to be honest I enjoy darkroom manipulation just a little bit more...Just something I thought I'd throw out there, I don't know why it has come up around me so much lately and I've noticed that many photographers that may start out shooting 35mm eventually convert to digital as technology molds us. I have thought about it, I've also considered color film? That is something I never did unless it was strictly for recreation. I shot a lot of color pictures when I was first starting out, but have never done darkroom work with color film. I'm definitely considering it, just to experiment now that I take things more seriously. Color, black and white, digital.... all bouncing around in my head. Anyone have any comment or experience on this? =)
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